Saturday, July 9, 2011

Let's Go To Church

Saturday July 9, 2011
by Lynn Harris, Education Pastor

One thing that I have asked from the Lord, that I shall seek; That I may dwell in the house of the Lord all of the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord and to meditate in His temple. (Psalm 27:4)

This Psalm of David is a wonderful scripture to ponder. In the first three verses David expresses great faith in God and that has always been a mark of the people who walk with God. In the New American Standard version of the Bible verse three brings us to a great truth as David says, “in spite of this”, that he will do something. Many times we do things either in spite of something or because of something. Neither is always completely wrong and neither is always completely right and sometimes we need to attend church because of some things; then sometimes we need to attend in spite of some things.

As we examine the verse that we are focusing on today we also learn that church is a place to go and learn of and see the splendor of God (“behold the beauty of the Lord”). There is a beauty in the worship of God’s people; there is a beauty in seeing the changed lives of God’s people. We also see beauty in the reading and proclamation of God’s holy, inspired, inerrant, and infallible word. While God is not limited to just the church house on Sundays, He certainly is there and, there is a certain beauty there that we will miss if we are not there.

We next find in this verse that church is a place of inquiry (“to meditate in His temple”). It is interesting to understand that in the Hebrew language the word that is translated as “meditate” (or “inquire” in some translations) is a word that the Hebrews also used to describe the act of plowing. We have a great need for God to regularly till our minds and turn up the roots of the weeds that tend to grow there so the heat of the truth of His word can kill them. It is hard for much needed nutrients and life giving oxygen to penetrate hard, packed soil. Missing church is very much like a plant trying to live among weeds and in hard, dry soil.

Possible activities for the day

1.  Stop and say a prayer of thanksgiving for your church, your church leaders, and your fellow church members.  Ask each member of the family to pray for a church member by name.

2.  Consider taking the family around today and picking out the clothes you will wear to church tomorrow. While you are at it go ahead and set the alarm clock to be able to get up on time and attend.

3.  Make a commitment now to find someone at church tomorrow who has been a source of beauty in your life and then thank them for it. Do it while you are at church with them.

4.  Make a commitment now with all of the family to discuss at lunch tomorrow what the Sunday School lesson was about.

Friday, July 8, 2011

My Life Verse

Friday, July 8, 2011
By Mike Stone, Senior Pastor

Christ has died for sins, once for all, the just for the unjust that He might bring us to God, having been put to death in the flesh but made alive in the Spirit.  (1 Peter 3:18)

On several occasions preaching revival, some kind church member will ask me to sign their Bible.  I am not sure where that cultural ritual began.  But some folks like to have the name of every guest speaker in their Bible.  Whenever I sign my name, I will place a reference to my “life verse” underneath my signature.  1 Peter 3:18 is arguably my favorite verse in the Bible.  In today’s devotional time I intend to teach this verse to my kids.  It is a nearly exhaustive verse concerning the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

First, it speaks of the pain of the cross.  The word “died” is also rendered as “suffered” in some Bible translations.  That word reminds me that the death of the Savior was not a pretty, sterile, clean event.  It was ruthless, barbarous, and vicious.  Oh, the price He paid and the agony He bore!

Secondly, this verse tells of the sufficiency of His death.  The phrase “once for all” literally means His work was finished, done, settled, and accomplished.  He will never have to die again because He will never NEED to die again.  Christ’s death on the cross is sufficient to atone for the sins of all who will repent and believe.  The just One died in the stead of those who were unjust.  Oh marvelous mercy!  As the hymn writer said, “I need no other argument.  I need no other plea.  It is enough the Jesus died and that He died for me!”  Amen.

Romans 5:8
Downloadable Coloring Sheet

Thirdly, this Scripture tells me of the reconciling power of the cross.  It is only through the cross that sinful man can be brought to God.  We do not come to God.  Christ comes to us through the power of the cross, lifts us from our sin and brings us to God.  Before my salvation I was His enemy.  But through the cross of Christ I have been made to be at peace with God.

Finally, this little verse shows me that the Father accepted Christ’s work on Calvary.  The resurrection of Jesus was God’s open and public display that His wrath could be averted and His just demands could be met.  Christ bore the wrath and met the demands in my place.  The Risen Lord having been “made alive” is irrefutable proof of this glorious truth.

Possible activities for the day

1.  Ask the members of your family if they have repented and believed on Christ.  If so, share the details of that salvation experience.  If not, invite the repent and believe today!  The verbal testimony of our salvation is one of the greatest gifts we can give to our family members.

2.  Consider making a cross.  Young children can use popsicle sticks and glue.  Older children may want to go to dad’s shop (with permission!) and make a cross.  Mom and Dad could look around the house and see if there is a cross displayed in the home.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Service to Others

Thursday, July 7, 2011
by Philip Tyre, Student Pastor

For truly, I say to you, whoever gives you a cup of water to drink because you belong to Christ will by no means lose his reward. (Mark 9:41)

God notices the smallest of deeds, and even the giving of a simple  cup of water to those who proclaim the gospel will be rewarded by God himself.  The people to whom Jesus spoke in this verse had been laboring to share the gospel and live out their freedom in Christ before others.  Perhaps their journey had been down long, dusty, hot roads.  Just possibly they had abandoned family and friends for the sake of the gospel and had next to no possessions in their name.

"Good Samaritan" coloring sheet
In the simple moment of receiving a small cup of water their strength could have been renewed and their determination to continue on in Christian service may have been rebuilt.  The truth is, the giver of the cup of water may never have known just how much the small gesture meant or that it came at just the right time.

As you spend time with your family today, consider who you can bless, what you can give, how you can build up another believer to encourage them to continue living the life of Christ before a watching world.  You may be the wealthiest individual at EBC or you may have the least.  Either way a simple act of kindness may be exactly what is needed and will surely be noticed by God.

Possible activities for the day

1.  Spend time in prayer thanking God for those who have been a blessing to you.
2.  Discuss who could possibly use a kind word or gesture from your family.
3.  Devise a plan to ensure your "cup of water" makes it into the hands of the intended recipient.
4.  Make it happen soon.
5.  Challenge one another to pray continually for these types of opportunities.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

A God-Blessed Home

By Matt Rodgers, Pastor to Families with Children

Wives, be subject to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord. Husbands, love your wives and do not be embittered against them. Children, be obedient to your parents in all things, for this is well pleasing to the Lord.  (Colossians 3:18-20)

A Godly home is the most precious and fulfilling place this side of Heaven. A home that is aligned with Scripture is a God blessed home. A Godly home includes a wife who submits to her husband as to the Lord, a husband who loves his wife like Jesus Christ loved the Church and gave Himself for it on the Cross, and children who honor and obey their parents.

A wife who submits to the Lord and to her own husband experiences a freedom and fulfillment that she can have in no other way. Out of respect and honor a godly wife, conscious that her home must have a head, gladly shows submission and devotion to her husband. The love and submission God speaks of in this text creates an atmosphere of growth in the home that enables both the husband and the wife to become all that God wants them to be. The wife's submission is never to be forced on her by a demanding husband. Wives are not to be rebels who belittle, nag, or run their husbands down. The godly wife is to pray for her husband, respect him, encourage him, and as long as he does not try to lead her into sin, submit to him. God will bless you and your home.

Downloadable coloring sheet
An integral part of any Christian home is a loving husband who demonstrates Godly leadership. Husbands, you are to sacrificially put your wife’s needs above your own. You are to love her with the kind of love described in 1 Corinthians 13. A godly husband never treats his wife as a doormat. The godly husband is to meet his wife’s needs like he would those of his own body. Love your wife as you want to be loved and lead her as you would want to be led. A godly wife will have no problem submitting to a husband who is sensitive, selfless, and sacrificial towards her. Love your wife as Christ loved the Church and experience a God blessed home.

God’s plan for children is for them to listen to the instruction of their parents and carry them out. As long as a parent does not tell a child to do something sinful, the child living under his/her parent’s roof should respectfully obey them. As a child learns to respect, fear, and obey parental authority in the home, outside the home there will be respect, fear, and obedience with regard to other authority figures and ultimately, toward the authority of God. Neglecting to obey God’s command of parental obedience brings great sorrow, if not now, then surely later in life. But if obeyed, it pleases the Lord and blesses the home. According to Scripture, children who obey and honor their parents are imitating Christ.

As your family lives according to the Scriptures and submissively lives for Christ, you will experience a God blessed home where each member will have no problem submitting to one another and seeking to serve one another.
Possible activities for the day
1.   Block out some time today and have family game night or recreational activity
2.   Be sure to tell every member of your family today, “I love you.”
3.  Take a few minutes in family prayer time.  Let each member of the family express a prayer request.  Let the other members take turns praying specifically for one another.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Who Created All This?

Tuesday, July 5, 2011
by Rhon Carter, Worship Pastor

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.  (Genesis 1:1)

This is one of the singular most important verses in the Bible because it tell us how and who created all things.  The amazing thing about creation is the transformation that took place all in a single verse.  In an instant all the stars, planets, galaxies and everything else were brought into existence.

The next few verses in Genesis 1 describe how God, our Creator, created all things.   The amazing thing to me is that while many people realize God was creator, we rarely take into consideration all that was involved in creation.  God was a chemist, a physicist, an astronomer, and a biologist.  He was of course an artist.  You don’t have to look very far to realize God is the Artist of all Artists!  The creation was beautifully and uniquely formed in a way that portrays the character and nature of God.

Downloadable coloring sheet
We were not created from some unplanned explosion in space, or an uncontrolled “big bang”.  That would not be creation at all but rather destruction and chaos.  We know we serve a God of order.   Genesis 1 shows the orderly and planned process through which God created everything.

Possible activities for the day

1.  Take a walk around your yard and each person identify something God created
2.  As you walk let each person identify a sound they hear that was a creation of God
3.  Close your eyes very tightly for one minute and allow yourself to only see darkness (kids love this).  Then open your eyes suddenly to see the beauty around you.  
4.  Say a prayer to thank God for allowing us to be created in His image and for allowing us to enjoy all the things he created.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Reflections of a Patriot

by Tommy Lloyd, Church Administrator / Veteran of the US Army

Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord.  (Psalm 33:12a)

When we think of patriotism, we think of some young man or some young woman in a uniform of the branches of our military service.  That of course is evidence of patriotism and each of us should be agreeable to such service if called upon.  I can appreciate such evidences of patriotism after serving in the Army in the mid-1970.  While I consider it an honor to be a veteran, patriotism has a much larger emphasis.  We can all express God-honoring love of country regardless of who we are and regardless of where we are.

Downloadable coloring sheet

If we are going to understand the true nature of patriotism and the highest form of patriotism, we need look at God’s Holy Word. In the Scriptures we find evidence of Godly patriots. 

For example, Joseph was a shepherd boy who did a lot of dreaming. He was gifted by God with the ability to interpret dreams.  His dreams initially caused him trouble as his brothers sold him into slavery.  Despite being mistreated in a foreign land, Joseph was subject to and respectful of the people in authority over his life.

If Joseph’s attitude had been one of rebellion against the duly constituted authority of Egypt, he could never have been brought to a place of service. If Joseph had developed an intense hatred for the godless Pharaohs under whom he experienced injustices and imprisonment, he doubtless would never have been so fully and mightily used of God. On the contrary, in part because Joseph was able to be submissive to the Egyptian leaders, God used him to save millions of people.

Godly patriots today are respectful to their leaders.  And they follow and submit to those leaders as long as those leaders are not contrary to the established truth in God’s Holy Word.

Remember that patriotism does not lead to a prideful spirit.  Rather it results in a grateful heart toward God and a humble spirit toward our fellow citizens.

Possible activities for the day

1.  Pray for our leaders, our country, and our military.
2.  Pray and express thanks to God for the blessings He has poured on our country.
3.  If you see one of our military personnel on the streets, shake their hand and thank them for their service to our country.
4.  If you know a veteran personally, give them a call and thank them today.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Freedom Is Not Free
By Mike Stone, Senior Pastor

Greater love has no man than this; that he lay down his life for his friends. (John 15:13)

For the second year in a row we are blessed to observe “Family Worship Week” beginning on this Citizenship Sunday.  It’s a great time to wave the flag, fire up the grill, and spend some extra time with family.  More importantly, it’s a wonderful time to fall to our knees in grateful prayer to God for the blessings we’ve experienced as a nation.  As we prepare to celebrate America’s 235th birthday I am overwhelmed with the fact that someone had to pay for this party!  Today, I intend to reflect on 3 things.

First I am grateful for the patriots in the past.  From Valley Forge to Afghanistan, from Gettysburgh to Iwo Jima, from Shiloh to Normandy, the freedom I will enjoy today with my wife and kids was purchased with the blood of patriots.  My grandfather served in the Army in WW2. My nephew is one of the few, the proud, the Marines!  They stand in a long line of men and women whose sacrifice has secured our borders and purchased our freedom.  I will thank God for them today, remembering that “All gave some and some gave all.”

Secondly, I am grateful for the leaders in the government.  We live in a very divided country politically.  So it is nearly impossible that any person is happy with every leader and every decision.  Yet the word of God commands us to give them honor, respect, and submission.  Today, I intend to pray and to lead my children to pray for our president, our Congress, our judges, and other leaders at national, state, and local levels.  As an act of obedience (since I can’t name them all) I think I will focus on those I disagree with the most.  The office they hold and the service they render was ordained by God.

Finally, I am grateful for the Lord Jesus. Without His ultimate sacrifice on the cross for my sins, the sacrifice of patriots and politicians would only provide temporary liberty.  The civic freedom I will celebrate this holiday weekend is a feeble reminder of the eternal liberty I will experience through the ages because of my Savior. 

So, I will fly the flag, watch the fireworks, and get a little lump in my throat when I hear the national anthem.  But it is merely a frail and fleeting reminder of a liberation still to come.  My ultimate allegiance is to Christ, my banner is the cross, and my citizenship is in heaven.

Possible activities for the day:

1.  Have the entire family pray for our governmental leaders.  Each family member could be assigned to pray for a specific leader.  Pray that God would clothe him/her with wisdom and with strength.  Pray for President Obama, Senators Chambliss and Isakson, Congressman Kingston and others.

2.  Attend the church picnic or similar family event.  Enjoying the freedom that others purchased is a genuine way to honor their sacrifice.

3.  Pray for our Christian brothers and sisters in places like China where civil liberties do not exist as we enjoy them in America.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

2nd Annual Family Worship Week

We are gearing up for our family worship week, July 3-9, 2011.  Here are several important dates and things to remember.

1.  This Sunday, July 3rd there will be NO SUNDAY SCHOOL and only ONE SERVICE at 10:30am.  We pray you will take this "extra" time to enjoy a great Sunday breakfast with your family.  Honestly, when was the last time the whole family sat down for breakfast together?

2.  Our church-wide picnic will be Sunday, July 3rd from 6-8pm.  Once again the church is providing drinks (lemonade and water) and lots of fun.  There will be inflatables and water slides for the kids...and maybe a friendly game of horseshoes for Dad.  Don't forget, the picnic is "Bring Your Own Supper."

3.  Devotional guides will be available at the Welcome Center and on this web page.  So bookmark this blog and come back every day to view the daily devotional, watch some related videos, and download craft and coloring ideas for the kids.